The Sinfin Flying Triangle UFO Sighting

Derbyshire was and still is blessed with local newspapers willing to give UFO sightings and the views of researchers an occasional good airing rather than sticking them in as jokey filler. I picked this story from my files more or less at random, mainly because the Sinfin triangle sighting comes with an eye witness’s hand drawn interpretation of what she saw.

8 Slow-moving UFOs at Rockport, Ohio

Here’s a UFO sighting I’d never heard of before from the end of 1980. For context, US forces had just disastrously failed to rescue hostages in Iran and an even more covert attempt was allegedly in the works; the unfortunate airmen at Rendlesham had just had their bizarre Christmas; a spectacular Soviet Cosmos re-entry had just triggered an epic wave of sightings at almost the same time; and the famous (yet markedly atypical) Cash-Landrum close encounter of the second kind happened the day before this report hit the newspaper.

Hardcore Secret Sky Watchers

‘Monitoring Area 51 Since 1999’. That’s the tagline of Dreamland Resort, a website devoted to keen-eyed observation and grounded discussion of some of the most secret military and black budget research sites on the planet. Far from wild-eyed speculation, Dreamland’s reports are so factual that one wonders how long before the reporter gets themselves shot by an overzealous security patrol.